Game modes can include additional content such as new units, buildings, or improvements and can be turned on or off during game setup to apply significant and dramatic changes to the rules of the game. Pack 6: Adds one new civilization and leader, one new game mode, new World Wonders. ***One of the two new leaders requires the Rise and Fall expansion to play. Delivering six DLC packs on a bimonthly basis from May 2020 to March 2021. **New game mode requires either the Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm expansions to play. *New game mode requires the Gathering Storm expansion to play. The Persona Packs are available exclusively to owners of the New Frontier Pass and will be delivered with the second add-on pack.

Each Persona Pack contains a brand new take on a favorite leader, with a new leader model and background, new gameplay bonuses, and an updated agenda that reflect the changes to the leader’s personality. Two of Civilization VI's leaders are transformed with a new look and new abilities when you lead America and France! “Rough Rider Teddy” excels at keeping the peace on his home continent, and “Magnificence Catherine” can use Luxuries to overwhelm the world with Culture and Tourism. Once it's enabled, from the main menu Single Player > Scenarios.Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine De Medici Persona Packs

To access scenarios, we first ensure that you have the DLC enabled as described above. The Aztec civilization is a free DLC that became available to everyone 3 months after the game's release.